A. Background
In learning English, there are four skill we must comprehend. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skill mention are divide into receptive and productive skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills, while listening and reading are receptive skills. Beside the four language skills above, reading is of great importance to student show mother tongue is not English, because they almost do not have opportunity to hear or to speak that language. Comprehending English is a difficult thing for students if they are do not have basic knowledge, especially in comprehending reading text.
Reading is a process recognition or interpretation of written materials and it ideals with the language form. Sheng (2001:12) state that reading is a process of communication from the writer to
the reader. It involves letters, words, phrases, and clauses. Through reading, we can increase our experience, develop new concept, solve our problem, study how the words are use, how to implement the grammatical rules, and get many knowledge. Interest to learn with pleasant method. In teaching reading, teacher should introduce other materials as an alternative to give various situations to student in classroom process. These materials can be a media; it can create a comfortable atmosphere, interest and to stimulate the students’ motivation during the classroom process. In the other hand, most high motivation is needed to learn reading. They should have an effective