A. Background
Because of the demand of Globalization era, most of the people are being rushed to study English in the world. English is one of language widely used as a means of communication among nations whether as the first language (L1) or the second language (L2). In this case can not be denied that English is more and more important to follow the Progressing of Civilization. So, English plays an important role in all aspect of life. Such as education, politic, economic, social, culture, ect. English as an International language occupies the first position in the world communication today. And English for Indonesian has become a bridge or a major window to compete in the world of civilization.
Based on the reality, Indonesia becomes one of the country that put English as an essential subject to be learnt at schools. The government delivered an instruction to teach English for each level of school beginning from the Elementary School for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth class until at the University. The existence of English in the curriculum support as increasing of education quality.
basic skills of language can not be separated. Even though, it seems separated but they are truly related each other. Speaking is one of the four skills that very important to be taught to the students because it will help them to use their English in communication and interaction with other people. There are two main components in speaking namely speaker and listener. The function of speaker gives information and the listener receive the information from the speaker. The speaker and listener have to cooperate each other to avoid misscommunication that happened to them.
Thornbury (2005:28) states that “these quotes identify some key factors that can contribute to a lack of the another language or the second language (L2) fluency, and in particular how a lack of automatist can inhibit face – to – face interaction, quite independently of how much grammatical and lexical knowledge a speakers has. Shortage of opportunities for practice is identified as an important contributing factor to speaking failure. And by practice is meant, not practice of grammar and vocabulary, but practice of interaction speaking itself.”
The English teacher has to be creative to design many communicative activities in the classroom in teaching speaking. This case can motivate student to the language actively and productively. The teachers are expected to make the effective learning and use appropriate technique that can urge students to speak English fluently by giving adequate opportunities.
Harmer (1998:16) states that people who use language have a number of different kind’s ability. They should be able to speak, listen, write, and read. In other words, they posses their four basic language skills of speaking, writing, listening, and reading. So, if we want to master it all, we must study more perfectly and seriously by practicing. Specially for speaking skill, most of students have a good ability in reading, listening, and writing but they can not speak English well.
There are many reasons that cause the students failed to speak well because their teacher failed to make interesting lesson, failed to apply a good methodology of teaching and there is still a lack in improving speaking technique. One of technique can be used to stimulate the students in learning speaking is Storytelling. Because storytelling involves a two – way interaction between a storyteller and one or more listener. Through this way, the students will be active to speak English based on their wish or idea.
Thornbury (2005:95) state that Storytelling is a universal function of language and one of the main ingredients of casual conversation. Through their stories learners not only practice an essential skill, but they can also get to know one another, for example: We are our stories.
In accordance with the problem above, the researcher will present storytelling as a technique to improve speaking ability by implementation of chain story as storytelling technique – based activities in classrooms’ speaking tasks. Besides that, storytelling is an interesting technique for the writer to be known whether the technique is effective or not in improving speaking ability for the students.
Therefore, in this brief description the writer conducted a research with the title as follows: “Improving Students’ Speaking Ability to the Second Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar through Storytelling Technique”.
B. Problem Statement.
Based on the background above, the writer would like to formulate the research questions as follow:
1. Is storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar?
2. In what way storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar?
C. Objective of the Research
The objective of the research is to find out:
1. The storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar.
2. The way storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar.
D. Significant of the Research
The result of this research is expected to be useful information for the teacher in teaching and learning speaking and to be a motivator for the students to practice their English or their speaking. So that, they will be able to improve their speaking ability.
E. Scope of the Research
This scope of this research is limited on “The Speaking Ability to the Second Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar through Storytelling Technique in class year 2007/2008 “.
The writer focused on the improving students’ speaking ability by observation in the pre-test, treatment and post-test. It is applied to evaluate the component features on the criteria of speaking as follows:
1. Fluency
2. Accuracy
3. Content
4. Pronunciation
Beside that, the writer observed on the improvement of students’ speaking ability in treatment process as follows:
2. Asking question
3. Making conclusion