The students will identify and manipulate syllables.
• None
Review with students that words can be separated into syllables, and that each syllable contains
a vowel. Give examples by orally separating a few words into syllables. Then, using one of the
example words,
1. Direct students to identify the syllables in that word, and then to move one of
the syllables to a different part of the word. (For example, in the word pencil, the
students would move pen to the end of the word, making the word cilpen.)
2. Explain to the students that by making the syllables “jump” to different places in
the word, they are making a new silly word that has no meaning.
3. Give the students another word, have them identify the syllables, and orally move
one syllable to another place in the word. Ask them to say the new silly word.
4. Continue giving students different words and directing them to move a syllable to
make new silly words.
Begin with compound words for students who are having difficulty. Two-syllable words will be
easier for students who are new to this activity or skill.
Manipulate syllables from multisyllabic words, providing game chips to represent syllables.
The students can move the chips to form new words.
For English language learners, be sure to discuss the meaning of a word before manipulating
the syllables, and clarify that the new word is a nonsense or silly word