A. Background
English is an important means of communication, which is used by many countries in this world. It plays an important role as an international language. This is why the Indonesian government chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in schools (Ramelan, 1992:3). English is introduced as a compulsory subject to be taught from the seventh year of Junior High School up to the twelfth year of students and as a local content subject in Elementary school.
The writer wants to discuss one of the many problems connected with English learning. English learning problems can take place both at home and at school. The teacher and the students are different, and therefore, we might find different motivations for learning as well. At school, the problems may appear when the class consists of a big number of students. The noisy class does not only disturb the students who really want to study, but also influence the students’ concentration to the subject given in class. The condition like this can make the students feel bored and do not like to study. At home, the problems may appear
when they recall the subjects from school and they still do not understand the lesson and none of the people at home can help them. If this condition continues they will feel very bored and not interested in studying English. In this case the teacher’s role is very important, that is to encourage them to study harder and better.
In addition, students’ problems are not only from the classroom environment but also from the students themselves. The reality we often see is that, in fact, many students master the theory better than practice. For example, in speaking, they may have the knowledge of how to speak, but in practice they find difficulties. They lack self confidence. To build their confidence, students need more practice so that teachers are suggested to create and use interesting method. One of such the methods is story retelling. Generally, story retelling is liked by the students because they like stories. It is also an appropriate method for the
students at their age.
In order to make story retelling more interesting, good media are needed. The term ‘media’ is defined by Brown: J. W, Richard B. L, Fred F: H (1969: 2-3) as tools or the physical things used by a teacher to facilitate the instruction. According to Gerlach and Elly (1980: 245), to select the appropriate media, the teacher must consider the characteristics of the students, which directly related to the learning process such as verbal abilities, visual and audio perception skills. Other factors which also ought to be considered in media selection come from our instructional system model, that is, the organization of groups, the time available and the space in which the media will be used (Gerlach and Elly: 255).
Comic is one of the many media to teach story retelling. Comics are an art form using a series of static images in fixed sequence. Using English comics as a means for teaching story retelling can be very pleasing and interesting for the students. By using English comics students will be more interested and more active in learning. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The writer hopes that with the use of English comics they will be active as participants and they have more a chance to express their minds, emotions, feelings and attitudes.
Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Paragraph by Using Flowchar

Improving the Students’ Ability to Write Paragraph by Using Flowchar


            This chapter deals with background, problem statement, objective, significance, and scope of the research.
A.    Background
English language has a central role in developing intellectual, social, and emotional competence to students. It is also an important tool in learning and developing sciences, technology, and art. Language learning is expected to help students to recognize themselves, their culture and another culture. Besides, it also helps students to express their idea, thought, and feeling. In addition, they are able to participate in society and even to find and also use their analectic and imaginative ability.

In the competence based curriculum, the students are expected to be able to communicate. The ability to communicate is the ability to understand and produce discourse of which it can be realized in four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Moreover those four skills should be applied in real life. Hence, English subject needs to develop those skills. In order that, the students are able to communicate and make discourse in English language in certain literacy level.
Writing is one of the language skills that play an important role in human communication. The important of writing is coming to be more and more recognized. It is through the written mark that links with the outside word are formed.
There is no doubt that English writing is important as the other three-language skill. The ability to write is frequently demanded in many occasions in our life.  For many reasons writing skill is crucial to most people. Adelstein and Vipal (1980) express that in all subjects in our life or in all profession, the ability to write or express oneself clearly is essential basic for success. Writing is crucial meaning of human communication. It is used to communicate with other people in society and to express our feeling and opinions. Writing means of both communication and self expression.
Heaton in Noni (1984:126) states that many students still encounter difficulties in writing because it is complex and difficult. In studying English, many students who study in the tertiary level still often make errors in writing through they have learned it for many times, even years.
In writing we need a good idea in order to produce a composition or written material. If students have no good ideas they will get boring and not interesting in it. For writing subject, students must have idea about what will they write and how far they know about the topic, sometimes they have to choose one theme and then decide one topic, finding the appropriate word to express an idea.
Writing through process helps students become aware of their skills. Pulitzer Pricze Winner, Donal Murray in Supriadi (2008) say that creative writing is not only to communicate information, but also to make the reader care about that in formation, makes his felling, experiences, gets under his skin must be developed by encouraging students to discover who they are and what they have to say. After that, they put words into sentences, into paragraph and paragraps into free of composition.
Because of the difficulties of writing, teacher should give more attention to teach writing skill to increase the students’ ability to write. One of the way of increasing the students’ attention in writing is to provide media, which are interesting to them. One kind of useful media in teaching process is visual aids like ficture, flowchart, etc.
In relation to the importance of meaningful material, the researcher has an alternative to use flowchart. Especially flowchart to help the students to express their idea or opinion in to written form, but sometimes they have a limited idea and make their writing dead.
Flowchart using fictures symbolizes or signs for kinds of work and certain function. It fictures only essential commands and is effective to design structured programs. The use of flowchart can be used as on alternative media in writing because it serves both visual aids and minds mapping.
Refering to the explanation above, the writer is interested to conduct a research at SMP Negeri 4 Makassar. So through flowchart, it tends help the students to express their ideas easier. Experienced writers often return to flowchart whenever they are stuck for ideas or words. It gives them writing power.  
Based on the explanation above, the writer carries out the research under the title tImproving the Students’ Ability to Write Paragraph by Using Flowchar of the Second Year Students at SMP Negeri 4 Makassar”
B.     Problem Statement
Based on the previous background, the writer formulates a research question as follows:
1.      Is the flowchart effective to improve the students’ ability of the second year students at SMP Negeri 4 Makassar to write paragraph?
2.      Are the students interested in using flowchart to write paragraph?
C.    Objective of the Research
To find out whether or not of the using of flowchart can improve the ability of the second year students of SMP Negeri 4 Makassar to write paragraph. Moreover, it is to find out the students’ interest to write paragraph by using flowchart.
D.    Significance of the Research
The result of this research is expected to be a piece of useful information for teaching in general, in particular for those who teach English in SMP Negeri 4 Makassar. In addition, it is intended to find out the ability of the second year students to write paragraph and apply flowchart as one alternative media in teaching writing.
E.     Scope of the Research
This research is under applied linguistics and restricted to the use of flowchart in improving the ability of the second year students of SMP Negeri 4 Makassar to write paragraph.

role play

role play

A.    Background
Language is primarily speech. Consequently, spoken English should be given a properly position. From the four language skills, the researcher focuses her attention on speaking since it has an important role in communication. Widdowson in Bahraeni (2003:1) states that “an act of communication through as a part of dialogue or rather forms of verbal exchange interaction involve not just those of others, one listen and others respond direct or indirectly”.According to Brumfit and Johnson (1983), “the difficulty is that the ability to compose sentences is not the only ability we need to communicate. Communication only take place when we make use of sentences to perform a variety of different acts of an essentially”.
In teaching English, it is necessary to develop teaching techniques especially in teaching speaking because the technique of teaching influences the students’ success. Therefore, that teacher of English may select suitable method, technique and material to teach.
Littlewood in Richard and Rodger (1986:66) states “one of the most characteristics features of communicate language teaching is that it pays systematic attention of functional as well as structural aspects of language”. We can use grammatical sentences and structural sentences, when we will be communicate in speaking.
Role-Playing is simultaneously interesting and useful to students because it emphasizes the “real-world side of science. It challenges them to deal with complex problems with no single “right” answer and to use a variety of skills beyond those employed in a typical research project. In particular, role-playing presents the students a valuable opportunity to learn not just the course content, but other perspectives on it.
The problem with teaching pure, undiluted information is that afterwards, the students, if they paid attention, will be left asking “what is it for? What does it mean?” Role-playing enables them to start answering these questions and to start expanding them: “what does it mean to a farmer in Nigeria, to a coal miner in Ohio, to an oak population in the Balkans. “Information, alone, rarely makes people change their minds, but personal experience often does. Role-playing, like any good inquiry approach, transforms the content of education from information into experience.
The creative aspect of the exercise will make it seem more like play than like work. The pressure to solve a problem or to resolve a conflict for their character can motivate a student far more typical of the pressure that will be on them in real life. Role-playing exercises are particularly useful in courses for non-majors to emphasize the intersection between science and daily life. Popular geosciences role-playing scenarios generally deal with hazards and environmental issues that combine natural and social sciences. (
The indicator needs to decide the context for the exercise and the role(s) that the students will play. If the students are taking human roles, the context is generally a specific problem such as global warming or dealing with an active volcano. Lessons need to be carefully explained and supervised in order to involve the students and to enable them to learn as much as possible from the experience. However, a well-done scenario never runs the same way twice, teaches people things they might not ordinarily have learned, and tends to be fun for all involved.
Like any inquiry-based exercise, role-playing needs to be followed by a debriefing for the students to define what they have learned and to reinforce it. This can be handled in reflective essays, or a concluding paragraph at the end of an individual written assignment, or in class discussion before the role-play began. (
The researcher considers a phenomenon among the students of Junior high school who learn speaking. Almost all of them wish to speak, but they find it difficult to express their ideas. This condition inspires the researcher to infer that role Play can make students participate actively in speaking English.
B.     Problem Statements
Relation to the background above, the researcher proposes research questions as follows:
1.      How does the use of Role-Play Technique significantly improve the students’ speaking ability?
2.      How does the use of Role-Play Technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability?
C.    Objective of the Research
1.      Whether or not the use of Role-Play can significantly improve the students’ speaking ability.
2.      Whether or not the Role-Play Technique is effective to improve the students’ speaking ability.

D.     Scope of the Research
The scope of the research is restricted the effectiveness of Role Play Technique  in improving the students’ speaking ability of MTs Syekh Yusuf.
E.     Significance of the Research
The findings of the research are expected to be significant for the students who are learning English because they will be get high motivation in learning speaking using the Role Play Technique and for the teachers this is one technique that can be used in teaching speaking.
F.     Definition of term
1.      Role-Play technique is a technique of the teaching and learning in which the students are given certain roles to play.
2.      Speaking
That speakers or seem to speak (Simon and Sekuster, 1996:1287).
3.      Ability
The physical or mental power or skill needed to do something. (Paul Prouter, 1995:2).

A.    Narrative materials
According to New, Anita. (2009: 2) defines that narrative is the ability to tell a story, whether spoken or written, is a common and often complex form of communication. The primary purpose of narrative to describe an experience, event, or sequence of events in the form of a story and set the story up for your listener, describing the time, place, and your own involvement.
Sarbin (1986 : 9) also stresses the organizational aspect of narrative. The narrative is a way of organizing episodes, actions, and accounts of actions. It is an achievement that brings together mundane facts and fantastic creations; time and place are incorporated. The narrative allows for the inclusion of actors’ reasons for their acts, as well as the causes of happening.. Characteristics of Narrative

1.      Characteristics of  Narrative Materials
Ely, S (2010: 2) divides the characteristics of narrative as follow:
a.       Use storyline in chronological order  (time order)
b.      The point is what the writer or character learned from what happened
c.       Heavy on description, setting, plot and character
d.      Easy to visualize
2.      Generic Structure of  NarrativeMaterials
a.       Orientation,introduction of the story in which the characters, setting and time of the story are established. Usually answers who? when? where? and it is stated in the beginning of the story.
b.      Complication or problem, the complication usually involves the main character(s) (often mirroring the complications in real life).
c.       Resolution, there needs to be a resolution of the complication. The complication may be resolved for better or worse/happily or unhappily. Sometimes there are a number of complications that have to be resolved. These add and sustain interest and suspense for the reader.
The most important of the structures of narrative materials as a key to find out the information of the text.

3.      The Language Features of  Narrative Materials
According to Ministry of Education (2010: 98-106). The classification the features of the narrative text follows:
a.          Usually use simple past tense,
b.         Using action verb in the story related to the chronologically arranged of the story
c.        Using Connectives, linking words to do with time such as once upon a time, on the next day,etc and
d.       Using imagery such as metaphor for example "She has a heart of stone"
The language features of narrative text used to identifying the characteristics of the text and make the reader easy to understanding to materials.

Improving Students’ Speaking Ability to the Second Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar through Storytelling Technique”.

Improving Students’ Speaking Ability to the Second Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar through Storytelling Technique”.

A.     Background
Because of the demand of Globalization era, most of the people are being rushed to study English in the world. English is one of language widely used as a means of communication among nations whether as the first language (L1) or the second language (L2). In this case can not be denied that English is more and more important to follow the Progressing of Civilization. So, English plays an important role in all aspect of life. Such as education, politic, economic, social, culture, ect. English as an International language occupies the first position in the world communication today. And English for Indonesian has become a bridge or a major window to compete in the world of civilization.
Based on the reality, Indonesia becomes one of the country that put English as an essential subject to be learnt at schools. The government delivered an instruction to teach English for each level of school beginning from the Elementary School for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth class until at the University. The existence of English in the curriculum support as increasing of education quality.

English as a foreign language has four skills that we must be learnt. Those are Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading. These four
basic skills of language can not be separated. Even though, it seems separated but they are truly related each other. Speaking is one of the four skills that very important to be taught to the students because it will help them to use their English in communication and interaction with other people. There are two main components in speaking namely speaker and listener. The function of speaker gives information and the listener receive the information from the speaker. The speaker and listener have to cooperate each other to avoid misscommunication that happened to them.
            Thornbury (2005:28) states that “these quotes identify some key factors that can contribute to a lack of the another language or the second language (L2) fluency, and in particular how a lack of automatist can inhibit face – to – face interaction, quite independently of how much grammatical and lexical knowledge a speakers has. Shortage of opportunities for practice is identified as an important contributing factor to speaking failure. And by practice is meant, not practice of grammar and vocabulary, but practice of interaction speaking itself.” 

The English teacher has to be creative to design many communicative activities in the classroom in teaching speaking. This case can motivate student to the language actively and productively. The teachers are expected to make the effective learning and use appropriate technique that can urge students to speak English fluently by giving adequate opportunities.
Harmer (1998:16) states that people who use language have a number of different kind’s ability. They should be able to speak, listen, write, and read. In other words, they posses their four basic language skills of speaking, writing, listening, and reading. So, if we want to master it all, we must study more perfectly and seriously by practicing. Specially for speaking skill, most of students have a good ability in reading, listening, and writing but they can not speak English well.

            There are many reasons that cause the students failed to speak well because their teacher failed to make interesting lesson, failed to apply a good methodology of teaching and there is still a lack in improving speaking technique. One of technique can be used to stimulate the students in learning speaking is Storytelling. Because storytelling involves a two – way interaction between a storyteller and one or more listener. Through this way, the students will be active to speak English based on their wish or idea.   
              Thornbury (2005:95) state that Storytelling is a universal function of language and one of the main ingredients of casual conversation. Through their stories learners not only practice an essential skill, but they can also get to know one another, for example: We are our stories.

In accordance with the problem above, the researcher will present storytelling as a technique to improve speaking ability by implementation of chain story as storytelling technique – based activities in classrooms’ speaking tasks. Besides that, storytelling is an interesting technique for the writer to be known whether the technique is effective or not in improving speaking ability for the students.
Therefore, in this brief description the writer conducted a research with the title as follows: “Improving Students’ Speaking Ability to the Second Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar through Storytelling Technique”.

B.    Problem Statement.
Based on the background above, the writer would like to formulate the research questions as follow:
1.      Is storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar?
2.      In what way storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN)  Polewali Mandar?

C.    Objective of the Research
      The objective of the research is to find out:
1.    The storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar.
2.    The way storytelling technique effective to improve the students’ speaking ability to the second year students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar.

D.  Significant of the Research
The result of this research is expected to be useful information for the teacher in teaching and learning speaking and to be a motivator for the students to practice their English or their speaking. So that, they will be able to improve their speaking ability.

E.  Scope of the Research
This scope of this research is limited on “The Speaking Ability to the Second Year Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Polewali Mandar through Storytelling Technique in class year 2007/2008 “. 
The writer focused on the improving students’ speaking ability by observation in the pre-test, treatment and post-test. It is applied to evaluate the component features on the criteria of speaking as follows:
1. Fluency
2. Accuracy
3. Content
4. Pronunciation
Beside that, the writer observed on the improvement of students’ speaking ability in treatment process as follows:
1. Taking a part
2. Asking question
3. Making conclusion

grammar and organization

grammar and organization

Those were grammar and organization which used criteria as follows:
a.       Grammar

Effective complex construction

very good
Effective but simple construction

70- 79
Major problem in simple/ complex construction

Major problem in simple

Virtually no mastery of sentences construction rules

Harmer in Husna (2007)

b.      Organization

Fluent expression ideas clearly

very good
Somewhat copy- loosely organized but mind ideas stand out
70- 79
Not fluent but ideas stand out

Not fluent/ ides confused

Does not communicated, no organization

                        Harmer in Husna (2007)
penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK)

penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK)


by Wakhinuddin S
A. Jenis Penelitian
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini berfokus pada upaya untuk mengubah kondisi riil sekarang ke arah kondisi yang diharapkan (improvemen oriented). Dalam kajian ini, penelitian tindakan dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan seni grafis mahasiswa melalui pendekatan kontekstual. Peningkatan pada aspek keterampilan berimbas juga pada peningkatan hasil belajar seni mahasiswa. Peningkatan keterampilan seni mahasiswa diharapkan terjadi setelah dosen melakukan penyusunan rancangan model pembelajaran seni grafis dan melaksanakannya dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual. Peningkatan tersebut dilihat dari hasil penilaian proses dan hasil karya seni yang dilakukan mahasiswa selama kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung.

Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dimaksudkan untuk pemecahan masalah dengan ruang lingkup yang tidak terlalu luas berkaitan dengan hal-hal yang dihadapi dosen sendiri dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di kelas. Ciri-ciri penelitian tindakan kelas sebagaimana yang diungkapkan Maryunis (2003:113) adalah: ”diawali dengan adanya hal-hal yang tidak beres dalam praktek pendidikan, dan dapat juga diawali dengan adanya ide atau gagasan untuk melakukan perbaikan atau perubahan”. Berkaitan dengan penelitian ini, perubahan diarahkan pada strategi atau pendekatan pembelajaran yang peneliti lakukan sendiri pada kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas.
Adapun tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengkaji permasalahan yang menyangkut prilaku seseorang atau kelompok tertentu disatu lokasi tertentu dengan penelaahan yang teliti terhadap suatu perlakuan dan mengkaji sampai sejauh mana dampak perlakuan itu dan menghilangkan aspek-aspek negatif dari pelaku yang sedang diteliti. Soedarsono (2001:3) menjelaskan penelitian tindakan kelas merupakan “suatu proses dimana dosen dan mahasiswa menginginkan terjadinya perbaikan, meningkatkan, dan perubahan pembelajaran dapat tercapai secara optimal”.
Penelitian tindakan ini dilakukan dengan mengikuti model yang dikembangkan oleh Kemmis dan Mc Taggart (1988:47), yaitu: ”action reseach is cyclic process of planning, action, observation, and reflection”, atau model yang berdasarkan pada suatu siklus spiral yang terdiri dari empat komponen, yang meliputi: (1) rencana tindakan (planning), (2) pelaksanaan (action), (3) observasi (observtion), (4) refleksi (reflection).
Uraian langkah/tahapan penelitian tindakan kelas di atas adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Perencanaan
Pada tahap perencanaan ini dimulai dari penemuan masalah sampai akhirnya ditentukan rencana tindakan kelas. Secara terperinci langkah-langkah pada tahapan ini dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut:
a. Penemuan masalah di lapangan
Melalui pra-survei peneliti berupaya untuk mendapatkan masalah apa yang dihadapi di dalam kelas, terutama dalam hal pembelajaran seni grafis. Data digali dari wawancara dengan dosen yang mengajar mata kuliah seni maupun melalui pengamatan di lapangan.
b. Pemilihan masalah
Berbagai permasalahan yang diperoleh untuk selanjutnya difokuskan pada suatu permasalahan yang perlu diprioritaskan untuk mendapatkan pemecahan masalah, dalam upaya meningkatkan keterampilan seni grafis mahasiswa PGSD FIP UNP melalui pendekatan kontekstual.
c. Perumusan hipotesis tindakan.
Berdasarkan masalah yang telah dirumuskan dan ditetapkan untuk dicarikan pemecahannya, maka peneliti merumuskan hipotesis tindakan, yakni pendekatan kontekstual dapat meningkatkan keterampilan seni grafis mahasiswa PGSD FIP UNP. Peningkatan keterampilan seni grafis ini berdampak pula pada peningkatan hasil belajar seni mahasiswa yang bersangkutan.
d. Rancangan pemecahan masalah.
Langkah-langkah pemecahan masalah antara lain:
(1) Membuat Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) sebagai rencana tindakan atas dasar kesepakatan peneliti dengan dosen mata kuliah seni sebagai praktisi.
(2) Menyampaikan pengarahan dan rambu-rambu kepada dosen mata kuliah seni sebagai praktisi agar dalam melaksanakan tindakan sesuai dengan SAP yang sudah dirancang.
2. Pelaksanaan tindakan
Pelaksanaan tindakan di kelas didasarkan rencana perlakuan yang dituangkan pada SAP yang telah disusun. Oleh karena itu, pelaksanaan tindakan diupayakan tidak menyimpang dari rencana perlakuan.
3. Observasi.
Pada saat tindakan berlangsung, peneliti dibantu kolaborator melaksanakan observasi dengan menggunakan instrumen yang telah disiapkan. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan cermat dari awal hingga akhir pembelajaran berlangsung. Selain mencatat data yang ada, peneliti dan kolaborator juga memberikan catatan atas berbagai masalah yang dijumpai dengan menggunakan catatan lapangan.
4. Refleksi
Hasil observasi kelas, rekaman data, maupun catatan lapangan dan data lainnya dianalisis bersama-sama dengan praktisi (kolaborator) yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Refleksi dilakukan pada akhir tindakan setiap siklus. Hasil analisis digunakan untuk merencanakan tindakan pada siklus berikutnya. Tindakan yang telah berhasil dapat dilanjutkan pada pembelajaran berikutnya, sedangkan tindakan yang belum berhasil diubah dan diperbaiki.

“Improving the Students Reading Skill to Find Out the Main Ideas Through Keyword

“Improving the Students Reading Skill to Find Out the Main Ideas Through Keyword

Title                : “Improving the Students Reading Skill to Find Out the Main Ideas
                           Through Keyword at the First Year Level of SMP 75 Makassar”


A. Background
      Reading is one of the important aspects in learning English. Reading it self is a complex and complicated process which involves the internal and external factors of the students. The internal factors are everything from the student which can be though, as a result of an interaction in reading process and external factors which are all the factors are from outside of the student.
      Reading is an active process of identifying important ideas, comparing evaluating, and applying them (Mc.Whorter, 1994:4). Therefore, inreding paragraph we have to try to comprehend the main ideas of the reading without comprehending the paragraph, it will be very difficult to understand what we have read or what the writer means in reading material.
      A reader must not only see and identify the symbols in front of him, but he must also be able to interpret what he reads, associating with past experiences and projects beyond this term of ideas, judgment, application and conclusion. These caused that reading should be taught to improve the ability of the student in reading.
      Actually most of the students in South Sulawesi, find the difficulties in identifying the main ideas of English paragraph. It is providing by the result of EBTANAS every year, most of them also got low score in English subject, Iskandar in Kaddafi (1995:5). He food that although students of SMU Lalabata Riaja have been taught for three quarter, they were still hard to get the main ideas of reading passage. Mostly, they are good in reading but cannot understand the content if what they have read. This problem probably appears because they lack of vocabulary and they have low mastery in grammar or the material is too difficult for them.
      If they have low mastery in grammar in lack of vocabulary. Of course, they will find difficulties in identifying the main ideas of a paragraph and it will be very hard for them to understand the content of the text.
      Similarly, being able to identify and read the important sentences in paragraph do       not guarantee understanding of what we have just read. The best manifestation of the understanding of central though or main ideas in text is the ability to take the passage a side and express the code of the massage by using students personal vocabulary.
      Concerning with problems above, the writer is interested to conduct a research under the title: “Improving the Students Reading Skill to Find Out the Main Ideas Through keyword at the First Year Level of SMP 75 Makassar”.
B. Problem Statements
      Based on the previous statements, the writer formulated problem statement as follow:
1). What is the student can be Improve Reading Skill to Find Out Main Ideas
     Through Keyword at the Second Year Level of SMP 75 Makassar”?
2). Is there a significance difference before and after find out main idea through
     Keyword at the second year students of SMP 75 Makassar”?
C. The Objective of the Research
1). To find out the student reading skill in finding main idea through keyword at the
     Second year level of SMP 75 Makassar
2). To find out the significance before and after in finding main idea through keyword at
     The second year student of SMP 75 Makassar
D. Significant of the Research
      The result of the research is expected to be piece of useful resources in improve the student reading skill to find out main idea through keyword at the second year level of SMP 75 Makassar.
E. Scope of The Research
      This research focus on the improving reading skill to find out main idea through keyword at the second year level of SMP 75 Makassar
F. Definition of Operational Variable
a. Reading skill
      Reading is respective skill in the written mode, reading can help build vocabulary. Here are the micro-skills involved in reading. Consist of : pick out key words, such as those identifying topics and main ideas, get the main point or the most important information.
b. Main ideas
      Mc. Whorter (1992:189) states that the main idea is the most important idea conveyed about the topic. The sentence that express this main idea is called the topics sentences.
C. keyword
      Mastropieri (1988) keyword is a mnemonic device that uses both auditory and visual cues to enhance the learning of information about the word meanings. From the definition above, the writer conclude that keyword is learning vocabulary through the root of word.
      Atkinson in Susan R.Old (2001), “Keyword method is mnemonic technique in which a new word is associated with a similar sounding familiar word, or keyword. A mental image is then formed linking the unfamiliar word to the keyword. For example, if the new word is “celerity”, meaning “speed”, the keyword could be “celery”. A mental image of a piece of celery flying through the air could then be formed”.
G. Methodology of the Research
       The method will apply in the research uses experimental method where the writer uses two classes. One class as experimental group and another is control group.
H. Population and Sample
1. Population
The population of this research is the Second Year Student of SMP 75 Makassar that consists of 42 students.
2. Sample
The writer uses total sampling technique. It means that the sample consist of 42 students, the writer will divide into two classes, 21 students of experimental group and 21 students of control group.    
I. Variable of the Research
1). Independent variable is to find out main idea through keyword
2). Dependent variable is improving reading skill

J. Instrument of the Research
      The instrument of the research that will be used by the writer is the test. The test is as follow:
1. Pre-test
The pre-test will be given to find out main idea of the reading text without we given students a keyword.
2. Treatment
Treatment will be given before the students do the post-test
3. Post-test
The post-test will be given to find out the improvement of the students after presenting the reading text with the application of the reading skill to find out main idea through keyword.
K. Procedure of Collecting Data
1. The researcher gives first test as pre-test
2. The class is taught with reading test to find out main idea through keyword. This step   called treatment was done for 12 times of meeting.
3. The researcher gives post-test to the class.
l. Technique of Data Analysis
      The writer will be know the significant difference between the score of the pre-test and post-test, the writer will calculate the value of the test  by using the following



∑x2 d
          N (N-1)
 t =   

Notation :        Md      =  mean different pre-test and post-test
                        Xd       =  deviation each subject (d-Md)
∑x2 d   =  amount quadrate deviation
N         =  subject to sample
d.b       =  N-1


Md =              


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