1.      Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) Method
2.      The Use Of Role, Audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) In Improving The English Reading Comprehension
3.      Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Inquiry Method
4.      The Use Of Survey, Question, Reread, Question, Compute And Question (SQRQCQ) Strategy To Improve The Students’ Reading Ability
5.      The Improving The Students’ Reading Skill  Through Preview, Ask Questions, Read, And Summarize (PARS)
6.      The Use Of Fix-Up Strategy To Improve The Students’ Reading Skill
7.      Improving the Students’ Reading Skill Through Roundtable

8.      The Improving The Students’ Reading Skill Through Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Technique
9.      Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Semantic Webbing Strategy
10.  Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy improve the students’ reading comprehension
11.  The Use Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy To Improve the Students’ Reading Skill in Narrative Materials
12.  Teaching writing skill inImproving the students’ writing skills through Fishbone Method
13.  Improving the Students’ Writing Ability of the First Year Students of SMA Negeri 10 Makassar Through Mind Mapping Method
14.  Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Think-Ahead and Write (TAW) Strategy
15.  Exploration-Explanation-Expression (E-3) method (speaking)
